Albedo Catena Cavus Chaos Chasma Collis Crater Dorsum Fluctus Fossa Labes Labyrinthus Lacus Lingula Macula Mare Mensa Mons Palus Patera Planitia Planum Regio Rupes Scopulus Serpens Sinus Sulcus Terra Tholus Unda Vallis Vastitas

List of labēs

Labes (plural labēs) is a word of Latin origin denoting a steep decline or collapse, especially at ground level. It is used on Mars to refer to huge landslides, all located without exception within Valles Marineris.

Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Baetis Labēs Mars Labes -3.67 288.54 88.00 mc18 Classical albedo feature, Baetis. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Candor Labes Mars Labes -4.79 284.01 134.94 mc18 From classical albedo feature at 5°N75°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ceti Labes Mars Labes -6.78 284.27 11.05 mc18 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Coprates Labes Mars Labes -11.82 292.21 61.97 mc18 From albedo feature at 14°S65°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ius Labes Mars Labes -7.47 281.54 61.18 mc18 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Melas Labes Mars Labes -8.53 288.30 107.24 mc18 From albedo feature at 10°S74°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ophir Labes Mars Labes -11.01 291.72 92.53 mc18 From albedo feature at 10°S65°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

L - Index by entity

List of lacūs

Strictly speaking, there are no lacus (plural lacūs) on Mars as described in the nomenclature, but there are still eight areas named "Lacus". They are all albedo features.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Hyperboreus Lacus Mars Albedo 74.83 300.00 0.00 mc01 Far northern lake. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ismenius Lacus Mars Albedo 39.67 30.00 0.00 mc05 "Ismenian Lake"; Ismenia is poetic term for Thebes. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Moeris Lacus Mars Albedo 7.91 90.00 0.00 mc13 "Moeris Lake;" Moeris was Egyptian lake in Libyan Desert. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Niliacus Lacus Mars Albedo 29.71 330.00 0.00 mc11 "Lake of the Nile" icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Phoenicis Lacus Mars Albedo -11.86 250.00 0.00 mc17 "Lake of the Phoenix;" Arabia or India. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Sithonius Lacus Mars Albedo 44.66 115.00 0.00 mc06 Region inhabited by Sithonii; synonym of Thrace. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Solis Lacus Mars Albedo -27.72 270.00 0.00 mc17 "Lake of the Sun"; the so-called "Eye of Mars," connecting East with West. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Tithonius Lacus Mars Albedo -4.94 275.00 0.00 mc18 "Tithonian Lake"; Tithonus received from his wife Eos eternal life but not eternal youth. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

L - Index by entity

List of labyrinthi

In planetology, a labyrinthus (plural labyrinthi) is a complex network of intersecting valleys and canyons, most often cutting through a plateau (planum). The word is borrowed from Latin ("labyrinth"). Labyrinths have been described on Mars and Venus. This type of formation typically corresponds to a crustal uplift. On Mars it is in particular the case of Noctis Labyrinthus, in the north of the high plateau of Syria Planum, starting point of the canyons of Valles Marineris.

Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Adamas Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus 35.70 105.12 853.00 mc06 Classical albedo feature name; "A River of Diamonds"; River Sarbarnarekha in India. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Angustus Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus -81.62 296.61 67.52 mc30 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Cydonia Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus 41.29 347.94 344.05 mc04 Named for classical albedo feature at 50°N355°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Hyperboreus Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus 80.28 300.25 111.97 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Noctis Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus -6.36 258.81 1190.31 mc17 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Tyrrhenus Labyrinthus Mars Labyrinthus -16.18 101.12 102.68 mc22 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

L - Index by entity

List of lingulae

Lingula (plural lingulae) is a word of Latin origin that designates the extension of a plateau with lobed or tongue-shaped boundaries. This type of formation has been added very recently (end of 2004) to the Martian nomenclature.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Australe Lingula Mars Lingula -84.05 68.56 436.33 mc30 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Gemina Lingula Mars Lingula 81.87 2.59 772.89 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Hyperborea Lingula Mars Lingula 80.32 306.46 124.80 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Promethei Lingula Mars Lingula -82.80 119.89 571.63 mc30 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ultima Lingula Mars Lingula -76.32 142.56 551.28 mc30 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

M - Index by entity

List of maculae

In exogeology, a macula (plural maculae) is an element of planetary nomenclature designating dark spots on the surface of stars when their precise geological nature could not be determined with certainty.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Olympus Maculae Mars Macula 17.36 217.16 124.00 mc08 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

M - Index by entity

List of maria

Strictly speaking, there are no mare (plural maria) on Mars as described in the nomenclature but there are ten areas named "Mare". These are all albedo features.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Mare Acidalium Mars Albedo 44.66 330.00 0.00 mc04 Name for Acidalian (Venusian) fountain in Boeotia where the Graces bathed. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Australe Mars Albedo -59.71 350.00 0.00 mc26 "South Sea" icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Boreum Mars Albedo 59.71 180.00 0.00 mc07 "North Sea" icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Chronium Mars Albedo -57.70 150.00 0.00 mc29 "Cronian Sea", northern part of World Sea where eternal dead calm, dangerous to ships, prevailed. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Cimmerium Mars Albedo -19.78 140.00 0.00 mc23 Cimmerians were ancient Thracian seafarers; "far western sea" (Homer). icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Erythraeum Mars Albedo -24.74 320.00 0.00 mc19 Indian Ocean. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Hadriacum Mars Albedo -39.67 90.00 0.00 mc28 Adriatic Sea. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Serpentis Mars Albedo -29.71 40.00 0.00 mc20 Named for Constellation Serpens (the snake). icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Sirenum Mars Albedo -29.71 205.00 0.00 mc16 "Sea of the Sirens." icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Mare Tyrrhenum Mars Albedo -19.78 105.00 0.00 mc22 Tyrrhenian Sea, between Italy and Sicily. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

M - Index by entity

List of mensae

Mensa (plural mensae) is a Latin word for table. This word has the same root as the Spanish term Mesa also meaning "table" and used in geomorphology a rise of land with a flat top and cliff sides. Mensa is used here to describe small plateaus with flat, horizontal tops, bordered by generally steep cliffs.

The [names in grey and italics] in the tables are dropped or moved, referenced here because they may appear in older documents. Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.

Name Entity Type Lat Lon Ø km Quad Origin Icon help Icon help Icon Help
Abalos Mensa Mars Mensa 81.17 284.00 129.18 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Acidalia Mensa Mars Mensa 46.69 334.66 226.86 mc04 From classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Aeolis Mensae Mars Mensa -3.25 140.63 785.09 mc23 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Amazonis Mensa Mars Mensa -1.98 213.10 414.04 mc16 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ascraeus Mensa Mars Mensa 11.72 252.11 34.86 mc09 Classical albedo name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ausonia Mensa Mars Mensa -30.02 97.72 102.51 mc28 Albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Australe Mensa Mars Mensa -86.88 357.24 172.00 mc30 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Baetis Mensa Mars Mensa -5.17 287.55 181.10 mc18 From albedo feature at 7°S63°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Candor Mensa Mars Mensa -6.26 286.48 116.56 mc18 Classical albedo feature. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Capri Mensa Mars Mensa -13.73 312.81 282.35 mc18 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ceti Mensa Mars Mensa -5.89 283.98 133.95 mc18 Albedo feature Ceti Lacus. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Chrysas Mensa Mars Mensa -6.77 289.90 167.00 mc18 Classical albedo feature name, Chrysas. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Coprates Mensa Mars Mensa -12.20 288.84 240.00 mc18 Classical martian albedo feature, Coprates. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Cydonia Mensae Mars Mensa 34.56 347.67 764.96 mc04 From albedo feature at 50°N355°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Deuteronilus Mensae Mars Mensa 45.11 23.92 919.17 mc05 From albedo feature at 35°N355°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Eos Mensa Mars Mensa -11.01 317.84 346.67 mc19 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
[Galaxias Mensae] Mars Mensa 36.18 147.30 327.00 mc07 Albedo feature name. (Named dropped. Feature is part of Galaxias Colles.) icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ganges Mensa Mars Mensa -7.23 311.25 135.90 mc18 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Hebes Mensa Mars Mensa -1.02 283.22 112.46 mc18 Classical albedo feature; name of goddess of youth. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ius Mensa Mars Mensa -8.60 284.68 160.00 mc18 Classical martian albedo feature, Ius. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Izola Mensa Mars Mensa -25.89 54.29 10.80 mc21 Named for nearby crater Izola. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Juventae Mensa Mars Mensa -7.93 294.37 116.00 mc18 Classical albedo feature name, Juventae Fons icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Labeatis Mensa Mars Mensa 25.50 285.53 124.67 mc10 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Lunae Mensa Mars Mensa 23.91 297.50 114.75 mc10 Albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Melas Mensa Mars Mensa -10.72 285.85 245.00 mc18 Classical martian albedo feature, Melas. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Nepenthes Mensae Mars Mensa 9.19 119.42 2176.23 mc14 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Nia Mensa Mars Mensa -7.72 292.68 95.00 mc18 Classical albedo feature name, Nia icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Nilokeras Mensae Mars Mensa 30.48 308.05 450.88 mc04 Albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Nilosyrtis Mensae Mars Mensa 34.77 68.47 676.03 mc06 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Nilus Mensae Mars Mensa 22.20 287.77 206.84 mc10 Named for albedo feature at 20°N65°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Olympia Mensae Mars Mensa 78.00 119.98 335.42 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Ophir Mensa Mars Mensa -3.99 286.51 103.33 mc18 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Protonilus Mensae Mars Mensa 43.87 48.86 1033.97 mc05 From albedo feature at 42°N315°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Sacra Mensa Mars Mensa 24.64 291.78 577.00 mc10 Albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Tempe Mensa Mars Mensa 27.94 288.41 55.39 mc10 From albedo feature at 40°N70°W. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Tenuis Mensa Mars Mensa 81.13 267.04 120.92 mc01 Classical albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo
Zephyria Mensae Mars Mensa -11.62 171.98 333.61 mc23 Albedo feature name. icon_USGS icon_map icon_photo

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