Albedo Catena Cavus Chaos Chasma Collis Crater Dorsum Fluctus Fossa Labes Labyrinthus Lacus Lingula Macula Mare Mensa Mons Palus Patera Planitia Planum Regio Rupes Scopulus Serpens Sinus Sulcus Terra Tholus Unda Vallis Vastitas
Terra (plural terræ) is a word of Latin origin that designates the Earth, the soil. It is used for very large areas of land. It is used, for example, in connection with Mars to identify the old, highly cratered terrains that abound in the southern hemisphere. Most of the regions belonging to this type are the same as those of the nomenclature of Giovanni Schiaparelli.
The [names in grey and italics] in the tables are dropped or moved, referenced here because they may appear in older documents. Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.
T - Index by entity
Tholus (plural tholi)
is the Latin name for a dome or cupola. On Mars, small dome-shaped mountains or hills (usually corresponding to the
cone of a stratovolcano, mostly volcanoes with fairly steep slopes) smaller than mounts (often shield volcanoes)
are called tholi.
The [names in grey and italics] in the tables are dropped or moved, referenced here because they may appear in older documents. Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.
U - Index by entity
Unda (plural undae) is a Latin word meaning "wave"; it is used to refer to geological formations of undulating shape.
Latitudes and longitudes in white are planetocentric. Those in orange use the older planetographic system.
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