
The Mars Trilogy is a series of science fiction novels by Kim Stanley Robinson chronicling the colonization and terraformation of the planet Mars. She inspired this site to follow, step by step, the characters in their movements among all the places described. The novels Red Mars (1992), Green Mars (1993) and Blue Mars (1996) follow the transformation of Mars and the life of its pioneers over several centuries.

A worthy successor to the great nineteenth-century adventure novelists such as Edgar Rice Burroughs (a Martian crater bears his name), father of Tarzan and John Carter conqueror of the planet Mars, or Henry Rider Haggard, father of explorer Alan Quatermain and King Solomon's Mines, Kim Stanley Robinson has devoted almost two decades to his research on Mars to relate the great adventure of conquering these new unknown lands. He addresses fields as varied as astrophysics, economics, sociology, materials physics and botany. This Martian Trilogy was hailed from its publication as a visionary work, crowned by the prestigious literary prizes Hugo, Nebula, British SF Award, Locus, etc. About the site title “Red dingue de Mars”, it is a french word game with “Red” and “Raide”: Completely crazy about the novel... or the red planet.

Documentary sources, articles, databases: Wikipedia | USGS | IAU | Nasa | MSSS
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